Sunday, November 21, 2010

Play Date Cancelled

I have put off all summer and fall scheduling a date for family and friends to come and help me remove and replace parts of the ramp that have gotten bad. Partly I forgot because of the lack of rain we have had. Whenever it rains the wood swells and the de-lamination is more obvious.

But I put it off too long it seems. First we have Kristen spraining her ankle and calf, and now Tim has decided to get a set of crutches with the multiple breaks in his foot. I had hoped they would be my main labor, but.... (I had hoped Karin would be the chief kid entertainer and food preparer.)

If we had done it in warmer weather I would have equipped the grandchidren with paintbrushes and paint, what fun we have missed. And I am sure plenty of photos.

Spring is coming. We will just have to be extra careful shoveling snow this winter on the bad parts.

"Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today...."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dave can help too. when the team is ready :)