Thursday, September 2, 2010

Surgery Date

Hurry up and wait. Dr Brown really wants to get this done so Dwight can get busy getting back to normal.

BUT the first open date they have is September 28th. No, it has nothing to do with our asking that the surgery not be September 13th. The 28th is simply the earliest they have.

But, if they have a cancelation they will call and let us know. Is it okay to say 'Gr-r-r-r'?


HennHouse said...

GRRR is expected in this situation.

Can't even imagine how frustrated you are...

Kristen said...

I was expecting a louder GGGRRRRRR!!!!!

Pink (AKA Lucia) said...

Of course it is okay to say GRRR! I am saying GRRR with you! Hang in there!