Sunday, September 11, 2011


Because Dwight was in the hospital in July he qualified for physical therapy for a few weeks. On one of the last days before they signed off on therapy they taught the aids how to get him into his wheelchair. He has now been in his chair three times and an aid wheeled him around a little. He even moved about twenty feet by himself. He will only be put in his chair when he asks, and if there are three aids available to assist. I am hoping he asks 2 or 3 times a week. It has been 13 months since he last sat in his chair.

The aids who are aware of the card shower for Dwight's birthday come in and count his cards with a sly smile. He still hasn't asked why he is getting cards from people who wouldn't normally know it was his birthday. I hope he can get up next Sunday and join his kids and grand kids for KFC lunch in the little cafe near his room.

Today we are fighting a fever, hopefully just a reaction to the flu shot he got on Thursday.

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